From an article about places to visit in Indonesia
6. Danar Hadi Batik Museum, Surakarta
Thousands of batik collections from various eras are kept in this museum, including those that are more than a century old. The collection is displayed according to the year of manufacture, the origin of batik and the culture that influences it. Among the items are Batik Djawa Hokokai, Indian Influence Batik, Keraton Batik, Keraton Influence Batik, Sudagaran Batik, Farmer Batik, Indonesian Batik, Danar Hadi Batik and contemporary batik.
Located on Jl. Slamet Riyadi, the main street of Surakarta, Central Java, the museum is easily accessible from anywhere. From the airport, visitors can ride the Solo Batik Trans, which passes right in front of the museum. If you come in groups and want a unique trip, you can rent a steam train tour, which costs millions of rupiah.
The batik museum resides in the same complex with the House of Danar Hadi. The admission fee is Rp 25,000 (US$1.75) per person, or Rp 15,000 for students. The owner, Santosa Doellah, integrates the museum, batik outlets, batik workshops, restaurants and meeting houses in one complex, allowing visitors to tour history and shop in one visit.
Those not satisfied just by looking at the collection on display can also look into the back of the museum, which hosts hundreds of artisans busily working to make hand-drawn and stamped batik .