Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Fireplace Steps Outside

Outdoor firepits are so California to me, definitely on the list for our perfect house. But I'd build the wood-fired oven first, no matter how passe it's become by the time we actually own a house.
The Fireplace Steps Outside -

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

LMNOP Online Magazine for hip, stylish parents and their children

Yup, more cuteness
LMNOP Online Magazine for hip, stylish parents and their children The Redwall Series

And some books to check out next library trip The Redwall Series

Okido - Home

Magazine for M
Okido - Home

Famille Summerbelle Online Shop

New prints from the artist who did the sweet family tree
print. I'd *so* be wallpapering if we owned our place.
Famille Summerbelle Online Shop

Fabric, becausesometimes I think about sewing..

Lots of great suggestions in the comments for mail-order sources and a few places to check out on our next trip to NYC....So much of the available clothing forM's age is nasty in all senses ofthe word. Tomboy is how we've solved it for now, but maybe in the next year I can get out the sewing machine again

sugar city journal: fabric conundrum